Pre-Job Brief Mastery

#13 What Is A Team

“A team is not a group of people that work together. A team is a group of people that trust each other.” Simon Sinek

Merriam-Webster defines trust as the “assured reliance on the character, ability, strength, or truth of someone or something”. When social scientists talk about trust, they often define it as “a psychological state comprising the intention to accept vulnerability based upon positive expectations of the intentions or behavior of another.”

In more simple terms, if I expect that another person will be honest and reliable and if I believe that person has the ability to follow through on their positive intentions, then I am more likely to trust them.

Trusting another person is a big deal, because it’s risky. I could be wrong about that trust, and if I’m wrong, I could get hurt, be embarrassed, or lose something that’s important to me. Trusting someone makes me just a little bit vulnerable.

But trust is essential to an interdependent safety culture. If I trust you to do your job and that trust is well-placed, then the time I would have spent checking in, micro-managing, or even just doing it myself, I can spend instead on other tasks and responsibilities. If you trust me to respond well to unpleasant information, then the time I would have spent figuring things out on my own and back tracking to fix problems, I can spend following through on the plan we created. Trust turns a group of coworkers into a team, and working with a team is more productive, more safe, and more enjoyable.

While there are many ways to lose trust, there are fewer ways to build trust. One way to build that trust is by engaging your coworkers during the pre-job brief. When people have the opportunity to contribute their thoughts, ask their questions, and showcase their own expertise, they feel more confident and more valued. They can trust that you’re actually aware of what’s going on and that you can be counted on to hold up your end of the plan.

I care deeply about your success. Please reach out via the method that is most convenient to you. My phone number is 970-581-7681. My email is sharon@habitmasteryconsulting.com. You can also request assistance directly from The Habit Challenge App.


Sign Up For The 60 Day Habit Challenge

Liberty Utilities has invested a significant amount of time and energy to develop a consistent process for conducting a pre-job brief, because we’ve identified it as one of the most important tools for conducting work safely.

We hope you’ve been inspired to have more engagement and ask more questions during the pre-job brief, but we also know that inspiration is not enough. Creating a new habit is hard, and that’s why this training is partnered with The 6- Day Habit Challenge.

The Habit Challenge app will help you remember to practice this new skill until it becomes an easy and natural part of how you approach your work.

On March 31st or April 28th, Sharon Lipinski will be online to walk you through getting the app installed and starting the challenge. Both sessions start at 2pm Eastern and last for 30 minutes.
