When employees need to adopt critical behaviors FAST...

And It Needs to Stick!

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There's a problem with training...


Percentage of managers who report that training improved employees’ performance. MCKINSEY & CO., 2010


Percentage of employees who say their training is somewhat, not very, or not at all effective in helping them succeed at work. IPSOS, 2018


Percentage of employees who say it’s important that training is engaging and fun, with two in five saying it’s very important. IPSOS, 2018

Didn't We Do Training On That?

Have you done a training only to hear yourself asking, "Didn't we do training on that?" If so, you're not alone. In a McKinsey survey, only 25% of managers reported that training changed an employee's performance.

It's not just organizations who are saying that training isn't working. 43% of employees said that their training isn't helping them do their jobs. 90% say it's important that training is engaging and fun, and we all know that most training is not engaging or fun.

  • If you're already investing heavily in your safety training...
  • If you're tired of saying the same thing to your employees...
  • If you're frustrated that they keep making stupid mistakes...

then we should talk.

We help organizations close the gap between their training and their employee behavior by designing training programs that stick.

Our clients see an average increase of up to 150% in the targeted behavior.

How We Can Help

Types of Trainings We Offer

Our Training | Custom Training | Revisiting A Past Training

Browse a list of some of our existing trainings, but we will always customize these to your organization's culture and challenges.

If it's not on the list, we can create a custom training to target your specific needs and learning objectives.

If you already held a training that didn't have the impact you wanted, all is not lost! We specialize in revisiting past trainings, so that you finally get the results you want!

Areas We Target

Leadership | Communication | Health | Stress Management

Driving | Safety | Situational Awareness | Critical Thinking

Whether it's our own training or something we design completely from scratch, we're looking for significant and MEASURABLE increases in the targeted behaviors.

Signature & Gamified Training Experiences

The Complacency Caper | The Amazing(ly Safe) Race | Breaking Bad (Habits)

No more boring trainings! Keep employees engaged in a training experience they'll tell others about.

In 10 minutes a day or less...

In 10 minutes a day or less, we can help your employees master habits that will keep them and their teams healthier, happier, and safer on the job and at home.

We create successful behavior change initiatives by following our proprietary 5 step process. Contact us to request a behind the scenes tour of our process, and how we can help your team's adopt critical behaviors... FAST.

As Seen In...

Professional Safety Journal
Incident Prevent Magazine
EHS Today
VPPPA's Leader Magazine
Concious Compact

Read our award-winning article on The Biological Basis of Complacency.

This paradigm shifting report reviews the neurological process that leads to complacency and opens up a whole new set of strategies for tackling it's root cause.

Other articles you may enjoy:

The Transformative Impact of Training for Frontline Managers

How to Overcome Safety Complacency in the Workplace

Seen On..


Organizations Impacted

We've served clients in construction, utility, oil and gas, manufacturing, government, and aviation.


Industries We Work With

Government | Construction | Oil and Gas | Utility


Public Works

With 10, 20 or more years of experience, employees thought they knew what to expect and were less aware of adverse consequences than they should be, given the potential for catastrophic damage to property and life.


  • 84% reported thinking critically more often
  • 75% reported prompting critical thinking in their team more often
  • 70% reported identifying more potential hazards
  • 80% reported identifying more unintended consequences

Download the Case Study



Our client launched an ambitious initiative to improve the Pre-Job
Briefing form and promote its adoption throughout the

Over the course of 4 months, 667 employees received training in 35 individual training sessions.


  • Increased Frequency And Consistency
  • Increased Conversations and Engagement
  • Improved Quality of Completed Forms
  • Increase in Good Catch Reporting

Download the Case Study


Waste Management

In this highly regulated industry, employees have substantial amounts of required training. To cut through the noise, we needed a unique and fun training experience.

As captains of a pirate ship, attendees learned coaching techniques, appreciative questioning, and how to give effective positive feedback.


  • 87% are more able to adapt approach to employee
  • 75% report having more coaching conversations
  • 83% would recommend the training to others

Download the Case Study



After conducting an extensive safety culture survey, a large utility company wanted to increase how frequently leaders provided positive feedback and recognized team members for performing work safely.

While the targeted behaviors were modest in scope, the ripple effects of the changes were more extensive than we anticipated.


  • Surveys more than 60 days after the training revealed a significant increase in positive feedback occurring a few times a week, once a day, or multiple times a day.

Download the Case Study


Mechanical Contractor

Supervisors at a mechanical contractor company had previously received leadership training. They had adopted some new behaviors, but there was room for more growth.

Attendees participated in recreating their training, sharing their insights with their coworkers, and then practicing key leadership behaviors around communication and productivity in our post-training Habit Challenge.


  • 82%: Increase in Targeted Behavior  
  • 83%: Participation
  • 92%: Would Recommend

Download the Case Study



Participants had already been through extensive driving training. They did not need more driving training. They needed an opportunity to practice the driving skills they already knew they needed, so that it became a habit.

“There was at least one occasion on slippery roads in which this extra distance could have played a factor in eliminating an accident.”


  • 120% ROI
  • 157%: Increase in Targeted Behavior 
  • 83%: Participation

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Local Government

Every New Year millions of people make resolutions to change their behavior so they can get healthier and happier. But over 90% of those resolutions will fail.  

We set out to change that record. A local government gave 34 employee the opportunity to change their habits as part of a New Year’s Resolution Habit Challenge.


  • 153%: Increase in Targeted Behavior  
  • 61%: Increase in Confidence
  • 69%: Participation

Download the Case Study


Civil Site Work

The goal was to provide 53 of their foreman with tools to change their behavior and to let them know the company cared about their well-being on the job and at home. 

This training initiative straddled both health and safety behaviors, so that the foreman could have the flexibility to target the behavior they felt would make the biggest improvement in their life.


  • 125%: Increase in Targeted Behavior  
  • 41%: Increase in Confidence 
  • 79%: Participation

Download the Case Study


Oil And Gas

A midstream Oil and Gas company needed to train 1,000 hourly employees on becoming better safety leaders in a 3 month period. But employees have heard the same information multiple times and can tune out safety messages.  

Our objective was to develop an engaging 4 hour training their safety staff could deliver and that was based on existing company vision, values, and materials.


  • 75%: Increase in Targeted Behavior 
  • 32%: Increase in Confidence
  • 68%: Participation

Download the Case Study

What Leaders Are Saying

“The work you did to break down our safety model for attendees was world class.” EHS Manager

“The approach Sharon advocates works.” COO

“We love working with you.” Principal, Compliance Executions

What Employees Are Saying

It's not necessarily the habit itself, but the ability to create and think in a more safety conscious (way).

It’s not easy to start something, and this gave me a realistic way to look at changing behavior.

I just couldn’t seem to make it happen on my own. There was always an excuse or obstacle in the way."

It has been fun and exciting to see myself adapt and continue to change as I grow older.

"It helped me focus on driving and the training I received when I first learned to drive. My wife comments that a I drive better now."

And in the end, the investment of cultivating the new behavior paid considerable dividends in both increased productivity and personal peace.

"Several other things I was working on concurrently (without the structure) improved as well. There was a global improvement in my commitment to making changes."

"The feed back and encouragement are what makes this work. It’s hard to break bad habits and develops good habits no matter how committed you are."

It was great to reprogram my belief that new habits are almost impossible.

New habits have just started falling into place without even thinking about it since starting your technique!

My overall takeaway is that you can do anything you set you mind to, but you gotta take it one step, one day at a time.

Made me snap out of some bad habits so thank you.

"The only thing standing between you

and the employees you want

are the good habits you wish they had

and the bad habits you wish they didn't."

Sharon Lipinski, Founder & CEO

When You Hear Yourself Say...

  • Didn’t we just do training on that? Why aren’t they doing it the way we taught them?
  • Another injury because of a stupid mistake!! Why does this keep happening?
  • We’re holding a team meeting or planning our annual training schedule, how do we make sure it's not a waste of time and money?
  • This is the year we tackle…
  • We did a safety culture survey, now what?

Call Habit Mastery Consulting!

We'll work with you to co-create and implement a customized training solution that will close the gap between what your employees are doing and what you want them to do.

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